Tariff Code lookup tool
Please Note: It is now a mandatory requirement to provide HS codes when shipping internationally.
At Parcelforce we have developed a Tariff Code lookup tool to help you to search for a Harmonisation (or ‘HS’) Tariff Code, based on an item description.
Tariff Codes are an internationally recognised standard which means your product items can easily be identified worldwide by all customs systems, regardless of language barriers.
In addition, we’ve developed a bulk lookup tool so you can search for multiple Tariff Codes using our bulk lookup template. This means you can start preparing for a ‘no deal’ Brexit now by finding Tariff Codes for items you export.
Our lookup tool allows you to:
- Switch between EU and Non-EU shipments to search for either a 6 digit (non-EU) or 8 digit (EU) code
- Easily and quickly search for your product item using our intelligent search bar
- Copy your code to the clipboard with a single click to paste into your system or online shipment
- Search for items either one at a time, or via a bulk upload of your entire product catalogue
If you need help our guidance on how to use either of these tools, please use our user guides:
Tariff Code lookup tool user guide
Tariff Code bulk lookup user guide
Tariff Code bulk lookup template